Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Level 2-4 One Lucky Son of a Chocobo

Progress: Hour 52, Obtained all Secret Aeons, Completed 2 Celestial Weapons (for Tidus and Yuna), and now I'm working on playing hours of Blitzball for Wakka's Celestial weapon.

   I stayed up really late last night working on getting all of the summonable Aeons and getting Yuna's Ultimate weapon. (Which happens to be tied closely together.) By revisiting all of the temples I managed to get a lot of useful stat nodes for the sphere grid. Today I wanted to work on getting Tidus's Celestial weapon. To get the Sun Sigil the player must beat the Chocobo Trainer in a race with a finish time of 00.00 seconds. By collecting balloons you can deduct time from your total, but when a seagull decides to try and dive bomb into your mouth you receive a penalty. People complain endlessly about how hard it is. So I hunkered down, got psyched up, and beat it on the fifth try. It didn't seem that hard. Maybe I'm just lucky, but it made me feel like a good casual gamer at least. Wakka's weapon will take some time unfortunately. Then I think I might look into getting some decent armor and leveling up by killing Cactuars. Or.... maybe I'll take a swing at Sin and see how I do. Short post today, but in closing I think Cactuars and Tonberrys rock!

Confession #5: I spent hours grinding at the beginning of Final Fantasy VII because I thought you had to kill the Midgard Serpent before you could go on. I didn't try going back into the pass. Normally, when a game kicks me out of an area facing the opposite direction its because I can't go that way.

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