Progress: 45 Hours, just beat Yunalesca. First Game Over.
I've been pretty busy lately, but eventually I got some time to play and write this post. I finally got my first game over today in Final Fantasy X. It happened during my fight with Yunalesca. Her first two forms were really easy, especially with Yuna's Holy magic doing 9,999 damage per cast. Then when the boss went all Medusa's head on me her first move was to cast Mega Death. Even with a low accuracy, low probability move all three of my party members kicked the bucket. I was like, WTF! So I restarted and went to customize some armor with Deathward or Deathproof or something... Nada. Plan B was to summon an Aeon when she was almost dead in form two. Worked like a charm; Ixion almost finished off her third form too. This fight turned out to be easier than the one with the Sanctuary Keeper on Mt. Gagazet. (Even though I lost once.) So with the second round of rapid-fire boss fights over, I get to get back on the airship. Here I am, back at the end of the game! I don't think I can take Sin head-on yet, so I'm gonna try to level up and work on my equipment. All three characters have finished their sphere-grid sections and are just starting on new ones. Tidus is gonna start at the beginning of Rikku's and Wakka and Yuna are jumping into the middle of Auron's and Lulu's respectively. (Kimhari doesn't have his own section. He would've made a good black mage with Halberd's +20% Magic.) Now that the progress section is squared away it is time to talk about something I'm calling The Wind Fish Conundrum...

Before Tidus and the gang reach Zanarkand they come across a wall of bodies. Auron identifies these people as the Fayth that they are always praying to for the Aeons. Lulu notices that someone is summoning something using their power. Auron stays tight lipped about it (stupid ghost) and Tidus defends him when Rikku complains. Then Tidus is all like "this is my story" and decides to touch the wall. Why? Maybe he felt the need to grope someone he saw half buried in the wall. (Dead girls don't say no?) Anyway, he meets up with a little Fayth boy who says that the Zanarkand that Tidus is from is a dream. A "Matrix-like" world created by the survivors of the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. The boy tells Tidus that the Fayth are tired and want him to end their dreaming, thereby destroying Tidus's world and all the people that he thought were real. He doesn't seem as perturbed by this as he should be. He says something like, "I liked living there." You liked living there? Don't you realize that is where you spent, like 20 years of your life? Then compare that to the month or so you've spent in Spira. Link evoked a bigger reaction in "Link's Awakening" and he didn't even talk!
This is what I call the Wind Fish Conundrum. Could you destroy a whole world, even if it was just a dream? Link awoke on Koholint Island after storm sank his ship. (Sounds like it could be linked toWind Waker, right? Different Link, though.) He was taken in and cared for by a girl named Marin. In trying to escape from the island Link must awaken its guardian, the Wind Fish. Late in the game Link learns that if he wakes the Wind Fish it will destroy the island and all of its inhabitants (not that many in comparison to Zanarkand), because they are just dreams of the Wind Fish itself. Link plays the magical instruments anyway, defeats the nightmare in his dreams, and awakens on a piece of driftwood in the middle of the sea. Link had the easier half of the dilemma; he entered the Dream World and destroyed it to escape. Tidus was born and raised in his Dream World, ejected into reality, and then asked to destroy everything he has ever known. Tidus even apologizes to the Fayth-
Tidus: You've been dreaming for a while, huh?
Fayth: We are very tired.
Tidus: I'm sorry.
Sorry!?!? What happened to crybaby Tidus? He should be throwing a royal temper tantrum that everything he was is a lie. Tidus doesn't even have confirmation that he will survive the destruction of dream Zanarkand. The little Fayth boy says, "You're more than a dream, maybe." MAYBE? I ain't taking that chance, seeya! I'm pretty sure I would have some serious reservations about that. Who cares if dead people are tired from dreaming? If Unsent like Seymour, Auron, and Mika get to roam around freely then surely even if I was a dream, I should get to too, right?
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